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Schengen Visa Refusal: Why Your Visa Application was refused

The content of this article has been aided by the german embassy publication released in 2017 with the intention to educate us on the reasons Schengen visa applications are refused and how to avoid them. We have taken it further and make it more comprehensive for all. We have also provided a link to the original publication in this article.  Enjoy!!


As reflected in the title of this post, this article is aimed to enlighten you on why your Schengen visa application was refused. if you have not applied, then the article is a solid guide on why it may be refused. Later in the article. we concluded by giving you 10 solid reasons why Schengen visa application are denied. After reading this guide, you will be enlightened with enough information to get the better of the embassy and Avoid any visa refusal problems to ensure that you have about 99% chance of getting the visa.


Anytime a visa application was refused, there is always a chance that something was not done right. It could either be that the applicant did not submit sufficient documents establishing his/her economic and social circumstances. Some applicants submit forged or questionable documents and others did not even have full knowledge of all the required documents. Anytime this is the case, it leaves the visa consular with no other choice than to refuse such visa application. Many people wonder why they have been refused a visa application despite the fact that, to the best of their knowledge, they have provided sufficient documents.  It is so unfortunate that Schengen embassies do not issue a detailed refusal reasons/letter to applicants. These have caused many to fail to understand where they err on the side of caution, which is a very serious issue. Sometimes we do tell applicants that visa refusal is not a big deal, it is just a way for the consular to communicate to the applicant that something was not done right, you need to fix it and either appeal or reapply. But how do you know what to fix when the same consular has not taken time to properly communicate what goes wrong with your application?

Before we jump to tell you why your Schengen visa application was refused or might be refused. Let us first see a list of Schengen visa refusal letter/bullet points.

Note: All Schengen embassies use the same refusal template.


Schengen visa refusal


From the sample shown above, you can see that it was the number 8 point that was ticked. This implies that only the number 8 refusal reason is applicable to the applicant who was given the letter. If the image is not clear enough, here is a text-based version for Schengen visa refusal reasons:

  • A false/counterfeit/forged travel document was presented
  • Justification for the purpose and conditions of the intended stay was not provided.
  • You have not provided proof of sufficient means of subsistence for the duration of the intended stay or for the return to the country of origin or residence, or for the transit to a third country into which you are certain to be admitted, or you are not in a position to acquire such means lawfully.
  • You have already stayed for 90 days during the current 180-day period on the territory of the member states on the basis of a uniform visa or a visa with limited territorial validity.
  • An alert has been issued in the Schengen Information System (SIS) for the purpose of refusing entry
  • One or more-member state(s) consider you to be a threat to public policy, internal security, public health as defined in Article 2(19) of Regulation (EC) No 562/2006 (Schengen Borders Code) or the international relations of one or more of the member states).
  • Proof of holding an adequate and valid travel medical insurance was not provided.
  • The information submitted regarding the justification for the purpose and conditions of the intended stay was not reliable.
  • Your intention to leave the territory of the member states before the expiry of the visa could not be ascertained.


You would agree with us that the reasons above are not detailed enough. Let us take a closer look at the applicant, Mr. IRSHAID, that was used as an example above. The visa consular ticked option 8 which states that “The information submitted regarding the justification for the purpose and conditions of the intended stay was not reliable “. What exactly is not reliable? And how could Mr. IRSHAID rectify this through appeal or reapply?


To help people get out of this dark corner, we have provided a one by one analysis of the refusal reasons below. On the 5th of September 2017, the embassy of Germany, located in Accra, Ghana released a publication that really helps to explain Schengen visa refusal.  Read the publication details and our comments that give further explanations on each refusal reason below.


A false/counterfeit/forged travel document was presented

This does not need further explanation. It is a criminal act to submit a forged document to the embassy.


Justification for the purpose and conditions of the intended stay was not provided

This is the most common refusal reasons. Over 90 percent of Schengen’s refusal is either this option 2 or option 8 on the list. That is why you need to pay good attention to it. According to the German embassy, here are the reasons you could be refused under this category:

  1. The relevant documents were not submitted.
  2. The documents submitted could not ascertain your purpose of stay.
  3. The existence of a family relationship was not substantiated with adequate documentary evidence
  4. The requested duration of stay is not consistent with any leave entitlements.
  5. The previous visas granted on the invitation of the same host have not been used to enter Germany, although the visas have been given for this purpose.
  6. The flight and hotel reservation submitted has been canceled in the meantime.

Look at the number 6 closely, you need to ensure your flight and hotel is not canceled before visa processing is completed. This is the reason NGbabroad render the service to provide valid flight and hotel to visa applicant to ensure a successful application. Our flight and hotel won’t be canceled and you will have nothing to worry about. This service is very cheap as we are more focused on ensuring your visa application is successful than making a profit. To make use of this service, place your order HERE


You have not provided proof of sufficient means of subsistence for the duration of the intended stay or for the return to the country of origin or residence, or for the transit to a third country into which you are certain to be admitted, or you are not in a position to acquire such means lawfully


This refusal reason can be caused by one or more of the following:

  • You have provided no or insufficient evidence for having the financial means for the duration of your stay.
  • Please have a look at the visa requirements and the information concerning your specific travel purpose. Please prepare the documents in the requested manner in case of a future application.
  • Please note that only a simple bank confirmation without bank statements for the last 3 months is not sufficient as proof of financing.


You have already stayed for 90 days during the current 180-day period on the territory of the member states on the basis of a uniform visa or a visa with limited territorial validity


This refusal reason can be caused by one or more of the following:

  • Generally, you are only allowed to stay 90 days within a period of 180 days in the Schengen-Area. The validity of the requested visa would exceed the maximum period of time of 90 days within 180 days.
  • You did already stay longer than 90 days within 180 days in the Schengen area.


An alert has been issued in the Schengen Information System (SIS) for the purpose of refusing entry

This refusal reason can be cause by the following:

  • You have a negative entry in the SIS; as long as this remains, it is usually not possible to grant you a visa.



One or more member state(s) consider you to be a threat to public policy, internal security, public health as defined in Article 2(19) of Regulation (EC) No 562/2006 (Schengen Borders Code) or the international relations of one or more of the member states).


This refusal reason can be caused by one or more of the following:

  • You have submitted fake or false documents and / or made contradictory statements.
  • You have attempted deceit.
  • You have a negative entry in the AZR (Central Register of Foreigners); as long as this remains, it is usually not possible to grant you a visa.



Proof of holding an adequate and valid travel medical insurance was not provided


This refusal reason can be caused by one or more of the following:

  • You have not submitted any adequate travel health insurance (minimum coverage sum of 30,000 euros / all Schengen states).


The information submitted regarding the justification for the purpose and conditions of the intended stay was not reliable


This refusal reason can be caused by the following:

  • You have made contradictory statements on the purpose of stay.


Your intention to leave the territory of the member states before the expiry of the visa could not be ascertained


This refusal reason can be caused by one or more of the following:

The Embassy has to work out a return prediction. This prediction system considers the following:

  • The family ties to your home country (spouse, minor children, guardian-unions etc.)
  • The professional binding (existence of a fixed employment relationship)
  • The economic bond (regular income from rents or real estate assets)
  • The employment relationship has not been established/confirmed.
  • Proper use of Schengen-Visa in the past
  • Changes in the personal situation since the granting of the last Schengen-Visa



We have presented you with enough information to prepare for your application. If you would like to see the original publication on the German embassy website, CLICK HERE


10 Common Reasons for Schengen visa Rejections


Now, let us go through the Common reasons for Schengen visa denial. With a Schengen visa, you can visit any of the Schengen countries. Schengen visa apparently, is one of the easiest visas to obtain, however, getting the visa requires you to provide some valid requirements and prepare for a visa interview at the embassy or consulate for whichever among the Schengen embassies that offers interview such as the German, finish, Greece and polish embassies.

Sometimes, it can be all perplexing to see a denied visa stamp in your passport booklet despite the fact you have all the documents provided and had a successful outing during the visa interview. A visa denied for whatsoever reasons can be upsetting. The big question is what could cause the embassy to deny you a Schengen visa? The embassy can deny a Schengen visa application if they are not satisfied with some of the documents provided and sometimes if the visa applicant did not sound convincing during the visa interview. When issues like these occur, it could lead to a visa denial.

Obviously, no visa is too difficult to obtain. Sticking to visa rules as it pertains to countries and providing valid documents would see your visa approved. To avoid your Schengen visa rejected, we have outlined some reasons why Schengen visa applicants get their visas denied.


False/fake documents:


Most at times, Schengen visas are denied on the ground that the documents presented are not authentic. Visa officers are well trained and have a third eye that can spot any form of uncertain document. If unsatisfied, the embassy will not go on with the visa application. At times, it does not end by just getting a denied visa stamp, but, it could lead into further problems like a visa ban.

Indefinite purpose of trip:


One of the common reasons for Schengen visa denial is not being able to state a definite purpose of trip. You must clearly state your purpose of visit and also provide supporting documents for the purpose of your visit. If you can’t defend your answers on the documents you provided such as your employment and professional qualifications, stay period, unable to provide travel itinerary, the embassy will not think twice in having your Schengen visa denied.

Unconvincing or insufficient proof of funds:

Basically, for your Schengen visa to be granted, you must be able to convince the consular that you can take care of yourself when you get to the country you intended to visit. Proof of funds or subsistence is a requisite requirement, however, the visa can be denied with the following reasons:

  • Not providing a financial statement which should not be older than one-month counting from the date for application for the Schengen visa
  • Insufficient account balance in the account: This is a red flag as the consular will only believe you want to use the opportunity to travel and work so as to sustain yourself over there
  • Having a sponsor’s name or a cheque that does not match with the candidate’s name on the passport document. When some of these are not justified, your Schengen visa will be denied.


Unrecognized reference letter:


A letter perceived not to be authentic is a common reason for a Schengen visa denial. Here are some reasons that will warrant the embassy to deny you that Schengen visa:

  • Having a letter without an original letter headed with a recognized address and contact details of the company or individual giving out the letter
  • Providing a reference letter issued not later than three months from the date of application
  • Not having the letter stamped and no signature of the Company or individual on the letter.


Passport validity:


Basically, when applying for a Schengen visa, your passport booklet should have at least two blank pages, anything short of that can lead to visa rejection. Passport validity is one of the common reasons for Schengen visa denials especially if it involves the following:

  • Presenting a passport document older than 10 years
  • Presenting a passport with a valid period less than three months remaining after you returned from a visit in any Schengen zone
  • And providing a passport booklet not having up to two different blank visa pages


No proof of accommodation in your documents:


Failure to provide proof of accommodation/hotel reservations can cause the embassy to deny you a Schengen visa. Expectedly, you should have your hotel bookings, flight bookings. If you fail to state where you will stay during your stay period when you arrive, the visa officer will consider your trip as inconsequential and will outrightly deny you a Schengen visa

Invalid marriage or birth certificate:


When applying for a Schengen visa, it is vital you follow the rules.

Depending on the class of visa, you are expected to provide a birth or marriage certificate, and if it is not authenticated, your Schengen visa will be denied for the following reasons:

  • Depending on the country, failure to offer a certificate approved by official authorities
  • (For parents travelling with a child) not being able to provide birth certificate that matches with that of parents and child/ward
  • (For single parent) not being able to provide document showing legal custody of the child


Unacceptable Schengen visa travel insurance;


This is one of the common reasons for Schengen visa denial.

If you fail to present travel insurance that covers the Schengen area, you will have your Schengen visa denied.

No proof of itinerary;


Without this, the embassy can’t get your Schengen visa approved. A Schengen visa allows you to visit any Schengen area. But, for you to visit another Schengen area, you must provide or show a plan for that. Failure to provide that can result in visa denial. Here are other reasons:

  • Failure to provide travel tickets for each destination you intend to visit in the Schengen zone
  • Failure to provide a booked/hotel reservation for each destination in the Schengen area
  • Applying at the wrong Schengen embassy


Criminal act:

it is unfortunate but, with a past criminal act, your Schengen visa can be denied. The visa is denied on the ground that if your visa is being granted, the visa applicant can be a threat to the country when abroad.

Schengen visa refusal Conclusion


The points shown here are meant to guild you so as to avoid getting your Schengen visa denied. If eventually, your Schengen visa is denied, you can appeal. But, before writing that appeal letter, you must ensure the documents you provided are valid and you are convinced that the decision of the embassy was incorrect especially if there were no stated reasons for the visa denial.

These are some of the common reasons for Schengen visa denial. In all, adequate preparedness and provision of authentic documents will see your Schengen visa approved.