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Safety Tips for Traveling On Air

In recent times, the safest way to travel is by air transportation. It is very fast and luxurious, and, almost always, passengers reach their respective destination without any danger. But that’s not to say that you should not be mindful of security issues at the airport – on air travel baggage rule, and prohibition of some items on flight. Air transportation has introduced a lot of policies that compliment the safety of every passenger on the flight. However, the golden rule of travel is to always exercise a sense of caution wherever we are: on ground or air.

Having an idea of safety tips for traveling on air will be a lifesaver for you and your loved ones at some point. These tips should be memorized in order to guarantee a happy and safe flight.

Pay Attention to Your Flight Attendant

safety tips for traveling on air

Those courteous flight attendants are not just available to smile at you or serve you coffee or help you with your baggage. One of their most important duties is to guarantee your safety. It doesn’t matter if you have flown all year long, you will have to be attentive to the flight attendants at the start of each flight, adhere to their specific instructions.

Flight attendants are not there just to serve you a soda or help lift your luggage. They are actually there to ensure your safety, so no matter how many times you fly, listen to them at the beginning of the flight. And while you’re at it, read the seat back aircraft card too.

This is because their primary duty is to ensure your safety, You don’t have to argue with any of their order.

Ensure you buckle your seat belt at all time when seated

safety tips for traveling on air

The seatbelt on your seat on a flight is your greatest protection in case of any abrupt or sudden movements by the plane. There have been cases of injuries or death as a result of failure to buckle up during flight.

Air turbulences are sometimes unpredictable, and they can take everyone unawares. If you did not buckle your seat belt at that point, you will be thrown violently from your seat. If you see the sign of seat belt removal, what it means is that movement around the cabin can be done quite safely.

So, make sure you listen to the flight attendants and crew and use your seatbelt all round the flight.

Do a Seats Count

safety tips for traveling on air

When an emergency takes place, a few seconds can boost your chances of survival. Ensure you seat near or in the proximity of the exit rows. If that is not feasible, then do a seat count from your seat to the emergency exit – don’t forget that the emergency exit is behind you.

This is because if you need to leave a plane during an emergency and you are surrounded by a thick dark smoke, you will, as a matter of fact, have an idea of the seats you will need to climb to evacuate from the emergency situation.

Extra Food and Water

safety tips for traveling on air

Flight cancellation and delay is an unfortunate normalcy in the air transport industry, and it’s very likely that you will face them. But in order to tackle this uneventful day, you will need to take along extra food and water. So you won’t have to roam about searching for food.

Dress Properly

safety tips for traveling on air

Dressing properly means dressing strategically and appropriate, it connotes comfort. Seats, during fligh,t are usually cramped and temperature in flights varies. It is not an easy prospect. Your dress code gives you enough comfort and style.

The most appropriate clothing material for an air flight is breathable cotton or a blend of wool. Wool is advantageous for its flame retardant properties. This is why it is part of the material used to produce airline seats. Clothes that are comfortable for you will ensure your quick movement.

Avoid wearing skirts or stocking, if you are a lady. Jeans is a more preferred option. Moreover, short is a no-no.

Mind your gadgets

safety tips for traveling on air

A lot of travelers go along with so many electrical gadgets, especially those traveling for business purposes. Laptops are of utmost importance, right? Well, it’s not.

The most effective way of preparing for a business trip is creating backups of important files and folders to an external hard-drive, or better still internet cloud software, before leaving the airport. There is a high tendency that you could lose your gadgets in the course of your air trip and you must prepare for such eventuality.

Importantly, make sure your gadgets are in fine condition and make sure you use original accessories.

Drink Responsibly

safety tips for traveling on air

Enjoying a few more glass or bottle of drink is a nice aspect of traveling by air, but when flying it is in your best interest to desist from alcohol or consume as little as possible.

The effects of alcohol include bloatedness, dehydration, weakness, and dullness. Make sure you can withstand these effect if you want to drink. You will need a sharp mind in case of emergencies.

Phone etiquette

safety tips for traveling on air

Ensure you switch off your phone and any device that could transmit signals. Or better still, put them into flight mode before boarding the flight. If you use a phone during air travel, you have violated an important air safety code. Some airplane makes it compulsory for phones to be switch off when passengers are onboard.
Phones are best switched off so as to maintain better, uninterrupted signal between the plane and the traffic controllers.

Never take along any Hazardous materials

safety tips for traveling on air

There is a long list of banned materials that are prohibited from flight travel, they include explosive and incendiary materials, flammable items, corrosive materials, poison and many others.

Respect personal space

safety tips for traveling on air

This is a public space, albeit a small one. If you would like to stretch, don’t invade a fellow passenger’s space — head to the front of the aircraft and walk it out. Leave personal hygiene regimes in the bathroom, and if you like listening to music make sure you’re the only one that can hear it. Everyone has their own way of relaxing during travel time: just don’t let your way affect someone else’s.