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Recommended Places to Visit in South Africa

Now, Africa’s history may not be sunshine and rosy but South Africa has been blessed with natural scenery, that is nothing short of glorious. From beaches that are home to surfers and sunbathers to great wildlife parks, mountains, valleys and amazing coastal drives. South Africa has them all.

What more, the country hosts the ‘junction of two of the world’s largest ocean’ – the Atlantic and the Pacific – located at the Cape of Good Hope. It is home to green vineyards, rich diamond mines, historical museum of Apartheid and the hustle/ bustle city of Johannesburg.

Apparently, there is no boring moment in South Africa, if you know where to look. The country boasts of more terrain and landscape than most places in the world. It is so diversified that you can sight hippopotamus on the famous Limpopo river and the angelic Penguin at the cape. You can also enjoy tasty dishes.

For a memorable trip, ensure that you visit these recommended places to visit in South Africa. The country was under the shackles of apartheid for years and the scars can still be felt. But the scars present a story of hope that will trigger your admiration for the country.


Recommended places to visit in South Africa

This is the free state’s capital and among the three federal capitals of South Africa, it is nicknamed the ‘city of the roses’ this is because of the festival of rose celebration that takes place annually. The city does not just have beautiful scenery in its books, it is a city of culture, history and natural attraction. We recommend you begin your exploration at Oliewenhuis Art Museum. It contains a great deal of contemporary art material.

Then, move over to the National Museum, which is a cultural and natural history museum. Visit the Free state National Botanical Garden, and be blown away by the eye-catching scenery. Feel the spirit of sportsmanship in the Vodacom Park. See the significant Anglo Boer Museum of war.

You can also stop at the digital planetarium for a great experience and then enjoy good music at Mystic Boer, and the riverside calm at Maselspoort. We warn you: you won’t get bored!

Cape Town

Recommended places to visit in South Africa
Cape Town is the mother of all cities in southern Africa, and you will be amazed by its diversity. It hosts every religion with peaceful zeal. This is why the city enjoys enormous influences of religion and culture. The awesome Table Mountain can be found in Cape Town. You would also find some aqua-sport activities, nature trails, and delicious meal.

An amazing wine estate and fine beaches. Make sure you visit the Botanical gardens at Kirstenbosch and the Green point park. The adventure lovers will climb up the Table Mountain and enjoy gliding across the skies after jumping off the Lion’s Head. You will find a lot of lovely architectural design and graffiti, it is for this reason that the Cape Town was selected as the World Design Capital in 2014.


Recommended places to visit in South Africa

This city in South Africa has become very popular due to the nice weather. You will enjoy a lot of aqua-sport activities if you visit this city, they include the fishing festival, gondola rides, gateway theatre, shaka marine and many others. Then, if you need more of indoor activities, you will enjoy the decorative art designs in major part of the town. The city plays host to a number of Asian community particularly the Indians.



Recommended places to visit in South Africa
Five things make Johannesburg spectacular: Assorted and delicious meal, exciting nightlife, beautiful arts, rhythmic music, fashion show. The popular city is a hub of tourism and fun activities. There are lots of cinemas, museums, and restaurants. Don’t forget to visit Maboneng, an interesting neighbourhood. You will also learn more about the country by visiting the Apartheid Museum.

Kruger National Park

Recommended places to visit in South Africa

Kruger National Park has one of the largest collection of animals in the world. It hosts several species of beasts and wildcats. Coupled with over 100 species of mammals, and close to 450 bird species, the park is a place to indulge yourself in the pleasures that nature has to offer.

Recommended places to visit in South Africa

Also, there are some picturesque natural structures like the hills, savannah, and forests that you will find picture perfect.


Recommended places to visit in South Africa

This charming city is known for it quiet scenery and purple trees. You will find many educative museums, buildings of historical interests and art decorations. The city is known for it businesses and embassies.


Recommended places to visit in South Africa

This is a proud city that is anchored in the midst of beautiful forests in the Midlands. The city is amongst the most preserved on earth. You will be amazed if you take a tour through the historic buildings. Lots of these buildings are now museums, interestingly. The city belongs to the Zulu community, but it plays host to a large colouration of students.


Recommended places to visit in South Africa

Basking in sober reflections is a city called Soweto, it is the city that invokes the memory of the struggles that is associated with apartheid. A lot of important places can be located there, you would experience them better by booking a tour. Places of historic interests include Walter Sisulu Square, Hector Pieterson Memorial and the Vilakazi street. These places hold a lot of pride to the South Africans.